Driving Log

Link to the road ready App- https://www.roadreadyapp.com/ 

Teens 15-18 must have 40-50 hours of driving with a supervising driver.  
You may have a 40 hour log if your parent/legal guardian attended a parent meeting. The breakdown is as follows: 25 daytime hours and 15 night hours for a total of 40 hours.

If a parent/legal guardian did not attend a parent meeting the student must complete a 50 hour driving log. The breakdown is as follows: 35 daytime hours and 15 night hours for a total of 50 hours.

Students can keep track of their hours digitally or with pen and paper.
If using the road ready app students need to make sure that they print their log and bring it with to their road test. The road ready app is the only driving log app that is state approved. Other online apps will not be accepted.