What age can students sign-up for the driver education classes?

Students who are 14 years old must wait until they turn 15 to take the permit test, but they may take the class when they are 14 years old. 


How long is the teen driver's education course?

The State of Minnesota requires a new teen driver to take 30 hours of classroom education and 6 hours of Behind-the-Wheel training. This course must be given by a State Licensed Driving School, like Headwaters Driving School. 


What do students need to bring to class?

Students should bring a notebook, pen, and highlighter to class. 


Does the student need to attend every class?

Attendance is very important. State law requires 30 hours of instruction. If a student misses a class, make-up classes must be attended. Perfect attendance is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. 


What should we do if there's a scheduling conflict? 

If you have a scheduling conflict due to sports, choir, drama, speech, or vacation, etc., contact Headwaters Driving School before your child begins the course. 


Can my child take just the classroom part of the course? 

Classroom sessions and Behind-the-Wheel can be separated. When your child takes both through Headwaters Driving School, a discounted rate will apply saving you $50. 


Are there any additional costs besides tuition? 

The only fees you will need to pay to Headwaters Driving School is the classroom fee ($140), and Behind-the-Wheel fee ($230). If you book both with Headwaters Driving School, you will receive a $50 discount (total of $320).

Other fees are up to the parents' discretion. If the parent feels the student needs extra hours of driving, the time will be charged at our current rate. Fees for actual Permit/Drivers License are charged by the State of Minnesota at the time of testing. 



Do I need to put the student on my car insurance?

Because each insurance company is different, you should contact your insurance agent prior to the student attending the class. 


What type of car do you use?

Our instructor has provided a Toyota Camry to use for the Behind-the-Wheel sessions. 


How do we schedule Behind-the-Wheel sessions?

Contact Sadie Etter at 218-252-4735 to schedule Behind the Wheel.

Call and schedule you Behind the Wheel lessons 8-10 weeks before you would like to drive with me.  My schedule fills up fast.  Once you have your lessons scheduled then you can start looking online for a road test.


Can my child take just the Behind-the-Wheel part of the course? 

Classroom sessions and Behind-the-Wheel can be separated. When your child takes both through Headwaters Driving School, a discounted rate will apply, and you'll save $50. The student must present a valid Permit and certificate of completion from the school they received the classroom education from.


Are there any additional costs besides tuition? 

The only fees you will need to pay to Headwaters Driving School is the classroom fee ($150), and Behind-the-Wheel fee ($250). If you book both with Headwaters Driving School, you will receive a $50 discount (total of $350).

Other fees are up to the parents' discretion. If the parent feels the student needs extra hours of driving, the time will be charged at our current rate. Fees for actual Permit/Drivers License are charged by the State of Minnesota at the time of testing. 



When should I schedule a road test?

Road tests can be scheduled 6 months in advance. You should schedule a road test 5-6 months in advance because the appointments fill up FAST!

Where can I schedule a road test?

Here is a list of local Exam Offices in our area:
Park Rapids:  2nd and 4th Friday, (call the DL Office 218-846-8270)
Walker:  Mondays Only, (call the Bemidji Office 218-308-2940)
Bemidji:  Mon - Fri, 218-308-2940
Detroit Lakes:  Mon - Fri, 218-846-8270
Wadena: Thursdays Only. (call the DL Office 218-846-8270)
Park Rapids, Wadena, and Walker are satellite offices.  They are only open on certain days and due to staffing issues are not always able to provide road tests. 
Exam offices will only put out their schedules 30 days in advance.