Obtaining a Permit


Step One: Complete 30 hours of Classroom Instruction + Receive a Blue Card

Students 14 years of age and older may take classroom instruction (30 hours are required). Missed classes may be made-up in future classes. All students will use the  Minnesota Driver's Manual. Sports, choir, drama, speech, vacation, work - if you have scheduling difficulties, call me before your student begins a class. 

Step Two: Pass Knowledge Test

Do I need an Appointment to take a knowledge test?  

Yes, you do need an appointment.  The only way to schedule a knowledge test is online. 

Go to: https://onlineservices.dps.mn.gov/EServices/_/#2

Select: Schedule a Class D Knowledge Test​ and follow the prompts. 

At age 15, students may take their written test and earn a learner's permit. Do NOT take online practice tests!  They will cause you to fail the test.  Use your study guide and driver's manual to study for the test. 

You'll need to bring the following to the exam office to take your knowledge test:

- Primary ID (certified birth certificate or passport)

- Secondary ID (social security card or certified school transcript) Laminated cards will not be accepted!

- Blue Card (received from classroom instructor upon successful completion of a 30 hr class)

Once you have passed the knowledge test bring these documents to the License Office and apply for your permit. 

What is the difference between an Exam Office and a License Office?

Exam Office: This is where you take a knowledge test or a road test.

License Office: This is where you go to apply for your permit or license.