Obtaining a Provisional Driver's License


Step One: Complete the 40-50 hrs of supervised driving hours and record them on a State approved Driving Log or the Road Ready App. 

The State of Minnesota requires that all drivers under the age of 18 drive 50 hrs with a supervising driver. 

35 hrs of Daytime Driving and 15 hrs of Night Driving

If a parent or guardian went to the Parent Meeting, can the student drive 40 hrs instead of 50 hrs?

Yes, if the legal guardian of the student attended the parent meeting, then that student is eligible to drive 40 hrs instead of 50 hrs. 

(25 day hrs and 15 night hrs = 40hrs)

Step Two: Schedule behind the wheel lessons 3 months prior to taking a Class D Skills Test

The behind the wheel schedule is typically booked out 8-10 weeks.  It is a good idea to call or text 3 months prior to when you would like to test.

How do I schedule Behind the Wheel Lessons?

Schedule behind-the-wheel training with the Headwaters Driving School. Lessons are offered during the school day, weekends and summer. State law requires six hours of instruction.

The lessons are broken up into (3) 2 hour lessons.

Call or Text Sadie @ 218-252-4735

Do I have to have all of my Supervised Driving Hours completed before I can schedule my behind the wheel? 

No, but you should have most of the 40-50 hrs of required supervised driving hours completed when you schedule your behind the wheel lessons.  


Step Three: Schedule a Class D Skills Test  (AKA Road Test)

Class D Skills Test should be scheduled online.  You will need your permit number to schedule a test.  All Farm Permit tests must be set up with the State or at a local Exam office. 

When can I schedule a Class D Skills Test?

Skills tests can be scheduled 30 days prior to turning 16 yrs old and/or the 6 month anniversary of your permit.  A Skills Test should be scheduled close to the last Behind the Wheel Lesson to ensure students retain the most information for test day.

If you are under the age of 19 years old you must hold your permit for 6 months in the state of Minnesota. If you are under the age of 18 yrs old you must also have 40-50 hrs of supervised driving recorded before you can take a skills test.

What do I need to schedule a Class D SkillsTest?  Your permit

Where can I schedule Skills Test?

Online Link-https://onlineservices.dps.mn.gov/EServices/_/

Park Rapids: 2nd and 4th Friday, (call the DL Office 218-846-8270)
Walker: Mondays Only, (call the Bemidji Office 218-308-2940)
Bemidji: Mon - Fri, 218-308-2940
Detroit Lakes: Mon - Fri, 218-846-8270
Wadena: Thursdays Only. (call the DL Office 218-846-8270)

Park Rapids, Wadena, and Walker are satellite offices. They are only open on certain days, and due to staffing issues are not always able to provide skills tests.  You are eligible to schedule a skills test 30 days prior to turning 16 yrs old and/or your 6 month anniversary of your permit. 




Step Four: Take and Pass the Class D Skills Test

What do I need to bring to a road test?
-Driving Log (printed or written out)
-White Card
-Car Insurance

If you wish to get an enhanced license you will also need to bring:
- Primary ID (certified birth certificate)
- Secondary ID (social security card)
- Printed bank statement or W2 with address on it

Once you have passed your road test bring your slip and driving log to the License Office and apply for your provisional license. You will need to know your social security number when you fill out the license application.

Can I have a friend or family member bring my child to the road test?
The answer is YES! Students can take the road test without you, but you will have to go to the license office with them at a later time to apply for their license.

What is the difference between an Exam Office and a License Office?
Exam Office: This is where you take a knowledge test or a road test
License Office: This is where you go to apply for your permit or license.